Monthly Archives: March 2018

How to write a technical article ?

Few days ago, a friend of mine received a proposition to write an article for a developer magazine (french magazine Programmez). He was happy to talk about what he loves : TypeScript and Javascript in general.

I am a regular writer for this magazine so I gave him some tips & tricks. First : feel the passion into your word document you will send. The first article is always with big emotions but emotions should be replaced with passion for technologies. So there are differents ways to achieve the goal of producing a paper for a magazine. People like me talk to the reader by telling a story. Others are more “litteraire”, and with a good writing style. In my opinion, writing a technical article is giving keys and small samples and the goal is to make it attractive to the reader so that he can search in its favorite search engine topics about the stuff your write.

An article has to follow conventions : 4500 char per page. 9000 for two pages, etc. You can ship images with your articles and source code. Take care that the code should not be too much indented. There are two columns in the magazine so if one lne of source code fills 2 lines, it’s not good.

My friend gave me its article for review. I have feeled he gave everything he has to share. But it is a serie so he has to write one ou two more articles to fill the technical stuff and the deep dive of TS.

But the result is good. Now he can fly by himself. Everybody can write a technical article, it just takes time. If you known what your are talking about, it’s easy to put in Word.

Unit tests in C++

For magazine Programmez, I have made a review of Unit Testing Frameworks. I have described CPPUnit and Google Tests with it’s adapter for Visual Studio. There are two ways to tests the UT : console or Visual Studio Test Exeplorer Window.

I must admit I prefer the console version for running my tests.

Paris view from Montparnasse tower

Few days ago, I was at Tour Montparnasse for a job interview for young SupInfo students on the 16th floor. Look at the view:

Building Boost x86 and x64 – HOWTO

Just a reminder (for me). The command line to rebuild boost library with VS2017 is:

> boostrap.bat

> bjam toolset=msvc-14.1 variant=debug,release threading=multi link=shared address-model=64

My new contribution to GitHub is called MyOrganizer

Look at the prototype… It enables to create work items and edit the source code. I will make the link with  another prototype called VSDemo. Look :

Prototype is available at :